ILife is a payroll organization. ILife handles all payments to caregivers and organizations involving your IRIS budget. They also review new-hire packets and conduct background checks. ILife and IRIS are separate entities. Should you have problems with ILife, don't blame your consultant. They have a phone number and email address should you have any questions regarding payroll. I won't share these on the website, but ask your consultant for these. Once they receive your message, they will take up to two days to go back to you. For this reason, I recommend you try to reach them over the phone, as an email conversation can take days and you may get lost in the process. Should you have a problem with them, you have the right to fill out a grievance form.
ILife is responsible for distributing checks to your caregivers. Every two weeks, you will submit a time report. A time report can either be submitted through the ILife portal, or a paper time report. The paper time report can either be snail mailed (DO NOT CHOOSE THIS OPTION) or sent electronically. Here is a fillable time report. There are a couple of things to note. Make sure that every section is completed correctly, accurately, and legibly. Specifically, make sure the dates match the pay period, make sure the pay period matches the dates found here, make sure the hours add up, make sure that the employee number is correct, and make sure that ALL writing is clear and legible. If you scan the document, make sure that all content is clear and present (if any part of the document is cut off, you will be required to fix it, and this could delay your employee's paycheck for weeks). If you take a picture of the document, make sure that the entire document is captured and legible. To be frank, they are very picky with these, so I would advise just using the portal if at all possible. However, if for some reason that isn't an option, take your time and double check the report.
ILife then mails you their checks. It is your responsibility to make sure that the checks get to your caregivers. The checks are mailed every two weeks. When an employee is hired, they won't get their first check for approximately four weeks. The employee can choose direct deposit. To do so, they will have to fill out this form at any point, and they may even include it with their new-hire packet. This effectively cuts the middleman and is one less thing that you have to manage. Even when there is direct deposit, ILife will still send a pay stub for the employee’s records. You want to make sure to still give these to your employees, they may need them come tax season. Because they start four weeks late, they will get paid for their services billed four weeks later. For example, if this week your caregiver works 12 hours, four weeks later they will get paid for those hours.