About UW-Whitewater
This page explains the services and benefits of attending UW-Whitewater. Before you begin, I recommend checking out the page Finding colleges and it's subpage Differences between high school and college.
I chose to attend Whitewater for a multitude of reasons. The first and I believe the most important reason is that the campus is very accepting to students with all forms of disabilities. Disability and acceptance are both prominent parts of the campus culture. I know that I grew up being the only person in a wheelchair in my elementary school. By attending a college like Whitewater, you won't feel like the odd man out. Furthermore, all professors are aware of the disability programs on campus, so you won't meet a professor who has no idea how to handle your situation. For example, the campus offers testing accommodations. My professors know of this service and to send the test to the Center for Students with Disabilities for processing. Rest assured, you won't feel like an outcast if you attend Whitewater.
I also attended UW-Whitewater for their many services for students with disabilities. When you get accepted to Whitewater, you will be assigned a Disability Services Coordinator. This coordinator will discuss the services available and what services you can apply for. Once you pick your services, you will create an account on their portal, found here. This portal will allow you to schedule tests. It will also allow you to send a preconstructed email to your professors introducing yourself and describing your services. You can find their tutorial on the portal here. Click on any of the listed services offered by Whitewater to learn more about them